Singing Yiddish, Singing Yiddish: Teaching the Students, Training the Teachers Rakhmiel Peltz As we learn verbal forms and we reach the imperative in my beginner’s Yiddish class, ” (‘Potatoes’) and thus memorize the days of the week in Yiddish, while they get a lesson on the poverty, in the advanced class purchase Pearls of Yiddish Song by Eleanor and Joseph Mlotek (Workmen’s Circle, . There is no better window onto the vibrancy of Yiddish culture, especially while you are singing and dancing Yiddish Theatre Project, The Digital Yiddish Theatre Project Joel Berkowitz, University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeDebra Caplan, Baruch College, CUNY In 2012, we formed the Digital Yiddish, and methods to the study of Yiddish theatre and drama. The Digital Yiddish Theatre Project is an experiment, on Yiddish theatre, drama, and related fields. The Digital Yiddish Theatre Project was formed in recognition of the linguistic, cultural, and geographic complexity of the Yiddish theatre Goes to Expo, print after performance. Photos by Gideon Cohen Yiddish Goes to Expo Beth Dwoskin PDF, happened that Yiddish came to the Expo. One of the quotes was based on the words of Y. L. Peretz, was completely unknown to my family when we made our sojourn to Expo 67. In 1967, Yiddish culture still, , though Yiddish schools still operated in places like Montreal and Winnipeg. Montreal’s Jewish leaders, from the heymish world of Yiddish and, like most Expo attendees, they probably had no idea what Christa Whitney is director of Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral, Digital Humanities and Digital Archives: The Yiddish Book, first began talking about starting a digital oral history project at the Yiddish Book Center. New, the challenges of digitizing analog and paper archives. The fact that the Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler, digitized, will have to grapple. We record our video interviews — which explore topics of Yiddish and modern Jewish Journal Dalia Wolfson PDF “A velt mit veltlekh,” goes the Yiddish expression, ) was an exceptional anthology of translated Yiddish-to-Russian and original Russian literature. A collection of pieces by Jews and non-Jews, Evreiskii Mir counted among its contributors Yiddish, such as Valery Bryusov, Vladislav Khodasevich, and Jurgis Baltrusaitis. While Hebraists and Yiddishists staked, of Yiddish literature into Russian.i Detail of stationary logo from a letter Andrei Sobol wrote, overwhelmingly, European-born and Yiddish-speaking—today they would be characterized as Haredi, to the complaints of their opponents. It also helps clarify why the Yiddish-language press—by its very, the protest “a grand and glorious demonstration.” In the Yiddisher Kempfer, a columnist asked, “Would, Grodzensky in Yiddisher Kempfer, October 15, 1943. Read More: The Protest Issue CURRENT, in the 1920s, camps sponsored by Yiddish organizations, the Folkshulen organizations like the Workmen’s Circle, and different labor unions or fraternal organizations sponsoring camps for Yiddish-speaking youth, or children who were born to Yiddish-speaking parents. So these kids, in the beginning, in the Progressive Era, already spoke Yiddish, but they would come and they would better their Yiddish, directly with a Zionist or a Yiddishist movement, like Camp Cejwin, Camp Modin, and that's the milieu!-transcriptperformance of My Yiddishe Mama from postwar American radio to 1970s Algeria — Salim Halali performed the Yiddish song on Algerian TV in 1971, a performance now on YouTube that, when juxtaposed the Development of a Religious Secular Yiddishkayt in the Yiddish Press Jason Rosenblum (Indiana, and the ĭ from E in the Yiddish Dialects of the Area Sophia Korn (NaUKMA) The Interplay, of Hildesheim) 2.8 Zoom Room 08 YIDDISH AND HEBREW IN THE AMERICAN MIDWEST Moderator: Jessica Kirzane, geography: A discussion of place in North American Yiddish migrant personal narratives Vardit, Cooper “A Little Island of Yiddishkeit”: Studying Jewish Migration, Belonging and Intercultural the YIVO Institute,ii the center for the study of Yiddish language and culture. Known as the capital of Yiddishland, in the interwar years Vilna was a hub of modern Yiddish culture and innovative Jewish life and arts—home to Yung Vilne—a group of young Yiddish writers and poets that included Avrom, rabbi known as the Vilna Gaon, eminent artist Marc Chagall, and prominent Yiddish poet Avrom, . i Fentster is the Yiddish word for “window.” The artist-run gallery is located, Russian, and Yiddish. Ukraine—not just poets, but the country—has been sending a humanitarian aid kit, classes, she told me, and was interested in Yiddish. She has written about the historical accidents, because of my study of Yiddish. Ukrainian and Yiddish literature have striking parallels, both because, the proverbial Yiddishland, has been mapped by poets more than military borders. “When I die, let me rest, University Press, 2012) and Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine, diaspora Jews wrote, published, and read articles in Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, and other, newspaper; Di Presse and Di Yidishe Tsaytung, two Argentinian Yiddish papers with a deep rivalry, the same time in Yiddish and German, Hamagid’s dedication to the Hebrew language set it apart, during those years. Yiddish is, of course, one of the main languages during the earlier period, Collections in the Stanford University Libraries and a core team member of the Digital Yiddish Theatre the very eve of World War II. Somehow, though lacking much knowledge of any language but Yiddish, he, , who was a Reform rabbi, to the Yiddishist Uriel Weinreich and the ex-socialist Will Herberg. Over of London In the category of Modern Jewish History and Culture: Europe and Israel Yiddish, History and Culture: Europe and Israel A Citizen of Yiddishland: Dovid Sfard and the Jewish, In the category of Jewish Literature and Linguistics Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from, of Modern Jewish History and Culture: Europe and Israel The Rise of the Modern Yiddish Theater Indiana, In the category of Modern Jewish History and Culture: Europe and Israel Yiddish in Israel: A History Indiana the category of Jewish Literature and Linguistics Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from, of Modern Jewish History and Culture: Europe and Israel The Rise of the Modern Yiddish Theater Indiana, In the category of Modern Jewish History and Culture: Europe and Israel Yiddish in Israel: A History Indiana, : Europe and Israel A Citizen of Yiddishland: Dovid Sfard and the Jewish Communist Milieu, Press) Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture JOSHUA LAMBERT, Yiddish Book Center American Jewry, youth, and Yiddish culture. A Jim Joseph Postdoctoral Fellow in education and religion, of Vaybertaytsh: A Feminist Podcast in Yiddish, and serves as a peer review editor at In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies. Nicole Samuel Nicole Samuel is Associate Research Pennsylvania built a machine-readable parsed and annotated corpus of Yiddish texts. Treebanks, literature. At the recent “2008 Czernowitz Yiddish Language International Centenary Conference” held, be able to provide a window “of visibility” on Yiddish and other such languages. Yiddish Wikipedia contains more than five thousand articles, providing access to the usage of Yiddish language, by people from around the world. Entries may be edited by anyone. Yiddish Dictionary Online is a Yiddish the interwar intersections of electricity and Yiddish life. The Travel Issue Art have dealt with the history of the Holocaust, Yiddish and Yiddishism, Libraries. Since retiring in 2018 he has pursued research about the Yiddish theater, especially in Argentina. He is a member of the core team of the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project and is on the Board of In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies. Before Stanford (1999) he, . Drawing on sources in Ladino, English, French, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, and Yiddish, his new, The Yiddish Book Center's Steven Spielberg Digital Yiddish Library, the Center for Jewish, and video sources, particularly those in less-common languages like Hebrew and Yiddish. Most of the above, in its Geographies of the Holocaust project. The Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories, a project I co-directed with Dov-Ber Kerler, presents a curated website of Yiddish-language